NWN-Forgotten Realms Western Heartlands
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Mr Grumble
Mr Grumble
Posts : 18
Join date : 2019-04-28

Server Rules Empty Server Rules

Wed May 01, 2019 4:38 pm

ROLEPLAYING - Please stay in character at all times. Any OOC chat should be done via tells or in emergency situations, with a quick "OOC: Be back in a moment".

IN-GAME CONDUCT - Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.

CHARACTER CREATION/NAMING - You'll start game at level 3, with an automatic gold bonus. There is a basic starting merchant in game, but be sure to save your gold for the in-game merchants. You may also make use of the Tailoring System present in the OOC Start area and the item namer to personalize your items. -
Sub-races are allowed, but not supported mechanics-wise. If you want to create a dwarf with dark-skin and call yourself a Duergar, feel free, but understand that there will be no Sub-race benefits/disadvantages conferred in the game engine. Our only request is that if you do pick a Forgotten Realms sub-race, that you do your research ahead of time as other characters will hold you to it. The nature of the module allows for some flexibility in regards to what type of characters might show up but they‘ll have to be very good at their role-playing and be prepared well in advance for any possibility, up to and including being left out of group play. Again, we do not use any unique sub-race scripts, so please do not ask for them if you decide to play a sub-race.

- All Prestige Classes are available, with the exception of Blackguards and Red Dragon Disciples. - If you are a cleric or paladin, you *must* have a Forgotten Realms Deity and you must enter it into the deity field during character creation. - No cheeseball naming or naming your character after contemporary or famous figures - keep it legit with the Forgotten Realms mythos. - Please put a legitimate description of your character in your bio - if you must, leave it blank, but please do not put something along the lines like "RP to find out". - If you choose to play a character of "evil" alignment, please remember that evil does not mean stupid, ill-tempered or being a general jerk. Please refer to the main rule above - if your gameplay starts to impugn on others, it doesn't fly here on this server.

DEATH/DYING - We use the HABD bleeding system, which means that players are allowed the chance to "bleed to death" instead of just being killed outright. A few notes about this follow. - If you are brought below 0 hitpoints you will automatically start bleeding to death. You are allowed so many chances to self-stabilize or to have someone heal you, use bandages on you (heal check) or use a heal kit on you. If none of those things happen, and you get down to - 10 hitpoints, then you die. Be warned that a critical hit that sustains a massive amount of damage (say a Dragon crushing you flat) can kill you outright with no chance of "bleeding to death". - Once dead, you can wait indefinitely to have an ally raise or resurrect you. If not, you can choose to Respawn and be transported to the Gates of the Abyss - there you will judged and sent back to the mortal plane. The location of where you will start again depends on your alignment. You'll be auto-raised and the penalties listed below will be enacted. - Respawn Penalty if you select to Respawn (5% XP, 10% Gold - please keep in mind an auto-raise penalty will be applied as well) - Raise Penalty (15% XP, 10% Gold) or Resurrection Penalty (5% XP, 5% Gold). - Random backpack item lost at site of death - can be picked up by wandering monsters or by other PC's.

GAINING XP - There are many ways to move towards achieving legendary renown, but when it comes to slaying beasts and adversial npc's, this is the breakdown on how XP points are awarded. - PC's suffer XP reduction if their level is not close enough to the average party level. For example, a level 1 grouping with a level 10 will only get 1 exp point when they kill a monster. - PC's suffer XP reduction if their level is not close enough to the CR of the killed MOB. - Groups receive a small XP bonus. - Whoever strikes the killing blow receives a bonus. - Groupmembers need to be within minimum distance to the killed MOB if they want to receive XP. - Henchmen, familiars and other summoned creatures will dilute the amount of XP awarded.

CHARACTER vs CHARACTER COMBAT - In-Character CvC is allowed - we use a subdual CvC system which means that PC's cannot be killed by other players. Instead, they will be knocked unconscious for a duration of two minutes, with a recuperation period of a minute where the player's movement will be slowed and their AC is dropped by two.
- By default, all entering players are set to "subdual" mode - if two players wish to fight to the death, they can use the Subdual Toggle given at character creation to enable it so.
- Henchmen, Familiars and Summoned creatures will also deal subdual damage to another player. - An ally's fireball will no longer kill you, but instead will knock you unconscious as listed above.
- Please note that this is "In-Character" CvC, which means that your character has to have a valid In-Character reason to engage another character. Repeated "griefing" is not allowed. Just being "evil" or an assassin does not mean you can wantonly kill. There are plenty of other servers that allow unlimited PvP, but not this one.
- An example of In-Character CvC: A ranger has noticed that a fighter has been wantonly slaying animals that haven't attacked him in the Reaching Woods. Ranger warns the offending player that his actions might lead to consequences, but offending player continues to kill animals with complete disregard. The Ranger engages in one-time CvC against the fighter and knocks him unconscious, close to death, teaching him a lesson, the hard way. Should the Fighter still continue such behavior, DM Intervention and perhaps stiffer consequences can be used.

PICKPOCKETING - Pick-pocketing is only allowed by mutual consent as well and there is a script in place that disallows pick-pocketing of medium or large items. There are plenty of other perks for rogues on this server so don't fret too much.

RESTING - Resting is allowed every 12 minutes - also, you cannot rest with armor equipped or with weapons/items in hand. The only area with unlimited resting is the OOC start area. Other than that, there are no other caveats on resting. You don't need to worry about bedrolls, rations, inns, renting rooms, etc.

METAGAMING - Being able to look at Challenge Ratings (Easy-Impossible) and Effects (Strength Increased, etc) on NPC's and other Players has been disabled.
- Giving items to your other characters, giving items to other low-level characters without a valid RP reason, BLATANT Farming and exploiting game mechanics in general is prohibited.

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